Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Stress and Corporate America

Let's face it, working in the corporate world can be stressful. There are not many opportunities during the workday to release that stress which means it builds up, and by the end of the day and/or the end of the week it can leave you feeling a bit "burned out".

Here is what I suggest for all you corporate warriors out there; take a few minutes out of your workday to stretch your body and focus on your breath, and then thank yourself for doing it.  I suggest the following simple stretches that should only take about 5 minutes, but feel free to strectch however it feels good to you, your body knows what it needs, listen to it.
  • Calming Breath
    • Sit or stand tall, and relax your shoulders down away from your ears.
    • Take deep breaths, in through your nose, out through your mouth, allowing yourself to "sigh" as you exhale. 
      • As you inhale, use your diaphragm, start the breath in the belly, move it up into your ribcage, creating space between each one of your ribs and finally up into your chest. 
      • Exhale completely
      • Complete 4 more rounds of breath this way.
  • Neck Rolls
    • Drop your right ear to your right shoulder - relax your left shoulder away from your head.
    • Trace your collarbone with your chin as you move your head to the left, relax and lower your right shoulder away from your head. 
    • Repeat this movement from left to right now and complete 4 more rounds.
  • Shoulder / Chest Stretch
    • Clasp your hands behind your back and interlace your fingers
      • Iinhale, expand your chest and draw your shoulderblades and the palms of your hands together.
      • Exhale, relase the tension in your shoulders and chest, allow it to escape your body with your breath and draw your hands down over your tailbone / butt.
      •  Repeat 4 more times.
  • Leg and Back Stretch (from sitting or standing)
    • Inhale, reach your arms up over your head
    • Exhale, fold forward, reaching forward through your heart as you lay your chest down on your thighs
      • Standing Note: if your hamstrings are tight, bend your knees a bit as you fold forward
      • Sitting Note: try stretching your legs out straight in front as you fold forward to get a deeper stretch in the legs
    • Repeat 4 more times
  • Wrist Stretch
    • Make circles with your hands, move them both clockwise and counterclockwise for about 30 seconds
  • Total Body Stretch / Gentle Back bend
    • Stand if you are not already
    • Root your feet firmly in the ground and stand tall and proud, arms at your sides
    • Inhale, reach your arms overhead, reach through your fingertips and the crown of your head
      • lift your waist up off of your hips and your ribcage up off of your waist, relax your shoulders
      • GENTLY push your hips forward to give yourself a gentle bend in your back
    • Exhale, fold forward
      • allow your arms and head to hang freely when you fold forward
      • gently shake your head yes and no to release tension in the neck

Try to do this at least once per day, 2-3 times if you can and after you've done it a few times and have it down try closing your eyes. 

Some other things that will help keep you feeling good throughout the day are to:
  • Give your eyes a break from your computer screen every 20-30 minutes, just take half a minute or so and look away from the screen, focus on something in the distance, look left , right and up and down with your eyes.
  • Get up and walk for 30 seconds, it's not a long time but it helps
Now, pat yourself on the back, say thank you and GET BACK TO WORK :)

For in office yoga break instruction or regular corporate yoga programs give us a call, we CAN help you manage stress levels and health in your office!  We have one time demonstration workshops as well as regular yoga practices, built around your schedule and needs, that can be added to your corporate heath and wellness programs.

Please contact Sierra at 657-464-7746 or for more information.

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