I meet so many people who are concerned with their weight when what they should be concerned with is their health...while weight can be an indicator of your overall health, a "healthy" weight does not necessarily equal a healthy person!
There are many aspects to being a healthy person, I find that what keeps me healthy, and happy, is a combination of proper nutrition, an active lifestyle, nutruring relationships and spiritual awareness, to name a few...our psychological and emotional health is just as important as our physical health, we need to nuture our minds, spirits and bodies to be truly healthy.
Let's look a little deeper into each of these things:
Proper Nutrition - When considering what food to eat there are many things that are more important than just the calories or fat content in a food! A food can be low in calories and low in fat but if it is also low in nutrition (vitamins and minerals) then it does us no good to eat it! When eating, I look for foods that are low in saturated fat (unsaturated fat is OK and needs to be a part of our diet within limits), low in processed sugar (natural sugars are OK too), high in fiber and colorful (bright colorful foods tend to be high in vitamin and mineral content).
An Active Lifestyle - This one is simple, keep moving! This does not necessarily mean the gym (but it can be if you like the gym) just move your body; we were not built to be sedentary. Go for a walk, do some yoga, play with your dog, play with your kids, go swimming, go hiking, work in the garden, clean the house, ski, surf, skateboard...you get the idea, anything to get you off your bum.
Nurturing Relationships - No man, or woman, is an island, we need the support and guidance that we get, and give, from relationships in our lives. We learn through other people and we teach other people - imagine what your life would be like if you lived it alone...so laugh with your friends, learn from your elders (and the youngsters in your life for they have a universal knowledge that so many of us lose as we age), love your family, participate in your community. Enjoy the feeling that comes from giving and receiving.
Spiritual Awareness - While this can be God, it does not have to be. For me, spirituality is the sense that we are all connected, that there is something in this world that is greater than myself. For me, it means that everything in this world is connected and so I should care for this world, and everything in it, as I would care for myself. One love :)
Keep learning, don't lose your sense of wonder and love and care for your friends, family and yourself!
A little sunshine never hurts either!
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